Dr. Leila De Floriani was recently inducted into IEEE’s prestigious honor society. The IEEE Eta Kappa Nu promotes professional accomplishment, service and development for IEEE-related students and professionals who are focused on the ideals of scholarship, character and attitude.
Last year, Dr. De Floriani was elected president of the IEEE Computer Society, the premier source for information, inspiration, and collaboration in computer science and engineering. She began her duties this fall and will continue her leadership in 2020. In addition, Dr. De Floriani has continued her position as a Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences and her joint appointment with University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies by working with students and pursuing research.
De Floriani is a noted expert in geometric modeling and scientific visualization who has authored more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific publications and has been funded by numerous national and international agencies. She has also held several different positions at academic and research institutions in the U.S. and Europe.