Leila De Floriani is the Director of Graduate Studies in Geographical Sciences. To read her bio, please visit her department page.
For a description of her research, teaching and service activities, please visit http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~deflo/.
Visit the GeoVis group’s webpage: https://geovis.umiacs.io/
Areas of Interest
- Topology-based geospatial data analysis and visualization
- Spatial and spatio-temporal data representation
- Terrain modeling and analysis
- Processing of massive point clouds (LiDAR)
- Distributed geospatial data structures
Personal Website
Degree TypePh.DDegree DetailsUniversity of Genova
InternationalService2020 IEEE Computer Society President
InternationalServiceIEEE Computer Society Board of Governors Member (2017-2018)
ProfessionalServiceEditor-in-Chief, IEEE Trnasactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
ProfessionalServiceAssociate Editor, ACM Transcations on Spatial Algorithms and Systems
ProfessionalServiceAssociate Editor, GeoInformatica
ProfessionalServiceAssociate Editor, Graphical Models
Current Students

Center for Geospatial Information Science
deflo [at] umiacs.umd.edu