Dr. Taylor Oshan from CGIS is presenting a lightning talk, "Generalized Additive Spatial Smoothing (GASS)" at this year's Spatial Data Science Symposium.
The department will be hosting a free live stream of the 4th annual Spatial Data Science Symposium, which is a virtual and distributed conference. This means folks can tune in themselves by registering here, or by joining one of the hubs of participants that will be gathering in person to stream the event together.
The UMD hub will be gathering in room 325 in River Road to tune in. The symposium runs between 8:45am-6pm on Tuesday (9/5) and 8:45am-4:30pm on Wednesday (9/6).
Please sign up on this spreadsheet here if you are interested in joining so that Dr. Oshan can put together a headcount for refreshments and pizza.