TAKEM MBI Bienvenu Magloire is a holder of a Master’s of Philosophy (MPhil) in Conservation Leadership from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom and a Doctorate/PhD from the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. He is a Senior Research Officer (Maître de Recherche), at the National Institute of Cartography, a research structure under the tutelage of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation; Yaoundé, Cameroon. He has taught on part-time basis at the Department of Geography and Planning of the University of Bamenda, Cameroon and in the same capacity at the Department of Geography, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon. Takem Mbi has undertaken natural resources management/conservation related internships with the United Nations Environment Program-World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Fauna and Flora International, both in Cambridge, United Kingdom. He has a working knowledge of remote sensing and GIS which he gained from the African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in English from Ile-Ife, Nigeria and from the Université Libre de Brussels, Belgium.
In 2023, Takem Mbi was recruited by the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland, USA, as a Post-Doctoral Associate under the Supervision of Dr. Meredith Gore (Associate Professor). He is part of an inter-disciplinary team that will be executing the project: Operation Pangolin: unifying diverse data streams to redefine species conservation. He will be working on the conservation criminology pillar of this project.
Takem Mbi is an author and co-author of a number of scientific publications in the domain of natural resources and protected areas as well as other issues of geographic interest.
Areas of Interest
- Natural Resources Management
- Conservation
- Protected areas management
- Conservation Criminology
- Remote Sensing
Degree TypePhDDegree DetailsUniversity of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Degree TypeMADegree DetailsUniversity of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Degree TypeMADegree DetailsUniversity of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Degree TypeBADegree DetailsUniversity of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Current Students
Former Students