Event Date and Time
Virtual: RSVP via Careers4Terps for Zoom link

Hoping to land a full-time job after graduation? Interested in spicing up your resume with an internship? Attend the GEOG Careers and Networking Event on October 26th!

Public, private, and non-profit organizations attend this event to fill internship and full-time positions, as well as network with undergraduate and graduate students. All majors, degree levels, and alumni are welcome to attend. This event will be of particular interest to students majoring in Geography, Geographic Information Systems, and Environmental Science and Policy.

Attending Participants/Organizations:

  • ABPA Institute
  • Assedo Consulting
  • Esri
  • National Scholarships Office
  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • U.S. Department of Transportation - Bureau of Transportation Statistics
  • University of Maryland, Master of Science in GIS and GEOINT
  • USDA - ARS

Additional Organizations TBA

Bring your questions! You will have the option of submitting questions via the chat box or unmuting yourself to ask the question. Students usually ask questions about their background, classes that were helpful, application tips, etc. 

Events details:

  • Intro of staff & employers
  • Open breakout rooms
  • Reconvene and end the session

For more information and link to register, click here

GEOG Career fair flyer with large blue text reading 'GEOG Careers and Networking Event' and various company logos